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Heart of Revival (E-Book)
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Revivals come and go, but true revival never ends when we choose to stir ourselves to love and pursue Him. I believe we can experience revival right here and now because the Holy Spirit moves in response to yielded and hungry hearts. Revival fire begins with a spiritual hunger and thirst for more of Him and His Spirit. People are yearning for a God who is personal and supernatural, and God is moving in marvelous ways to reach these hungry hearts with His love, healing, delivering and saving power. If you find yourself hungry for God and His manifest Presence, then "Heart of Revival" will ignite a fire of love for God and His anointing in your life. 

  • Your hunger for God will be stirred through the pages of this book as you choose to pursue Him no matter what the cost.
  • His presence changes us as we seek Him.
  • The power and anointing of the Holy Spirit through us will impact the world around us.

Oh, that the fires of Revival would burn…

And men's hearts would turn to God in full surrender !

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Dr. Vincent Skinner (DMin) has taken the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations since 1990. For over 32 years, Vincent & Lisa have touched people's lives in over 40 nations of the world. Their personal encounter with the Holy Spirit kindled a hunger for God, a passion for the lost & an anointing that changes lives. The ministry stirs revival & demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit. Vincent & Lisa are interested in developing relationships with local pastors & churches, to see them grow & prosper & fulfill their God-given Kingdom purpose. (Ephesians 4:11-16 / 1 Corinthians 2:1-5)